Camp Journey

Camp Journey is a camp providing a community of hope for children and their families touched by cancer. Dealing with childhood cancer can sometimes make “just being a kid” seem out of reach—and out of scope for the whole family. At Camp Journey, our goal is to change that perception and that reality. In this nurturing, medically supervised home-away-from-home, young cancer survivors can leave their worries behind for one magical week and immerse themselves in a fun-filled outdoor camp experience tailored expressly to their needs. Meanwhile, their families and caregivers can rest easy, knowing that trained oncology staff is on-site 24/7.   With roots dating to 1985, Camp Journey is a no-cost resident and day camp for children diagnosed with cancer, both on and off therapy. The camp gives these children the opportunity to spend a week in the outdoors, participating in typical camp activities while making friends with others who understand and share their situation. Along the way, they develop independence and confidence, learn new skills, and make memories to last a lifetime.

Resident Camp 2021

PROGRAM:  2:00 PM, Sunday, August 1 through 10:00 AM, Saturday, August 7, 2021. Eligibility:  Ages 7 – 17  

  • A child diagnosed with cancer on active cancer therapy.
  • A child who had bone marrow transplant (BMT) or stem cell transplantation (SCT).
  • A child who has completed cancer therapy.
  • A sibling of a child attending camp diagnosed with cancer (on or off therapy) or who had a BMT or SCT.
  • A friend of a child attending camp diagnosed with cancer (on or off therapy) or who had BMT or SCT.
  • A sibling who has attended camp in the past, who lost their brother or sister within the past 2 years, can attend camp for one year.
  • A child from Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Western Montana.

Day Camp 2021

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PROGRAM: Monday through Thursday, August 2-5, 2021. Eligibility:  Ages 5 – 7 SPECIAL NOTE:  Day Camp is a separate program from Resident Camp.  Day Camp is for cancer survivors only (no siblings/friends).  Programming is designed specifically to meet the needs of these young ones and staffing is provided to accommodate them one-on-one as needed.

  • A child diagnosed with cancer on active therapy.
  • A child who had a bone marrow transplant (BMY) or stem cell transplantation (SCT).
  • A child who has completed cancer therapy.
  • A child from Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana.

Activities:  Swimming, beach games, Arts & Crafts, hikes, singing, campfires, special theme-related activities and even a nap! Family Lodging:  If your family will be traveling from a distance (1.5 hrs each way or more) lodging at a nearby hotel may be provided for you while your child attends day camp.  Lodging nights would be July 19-23, 2020.


The generous donations from caring individuals, organizations, and foundations make this unique camp available without cost to campers and their families.

Camper Registration

Registration opens on March 12, 2021.  Register online at  Application deadline is May 21, please call for availability after this date.  If you have questions contact Belinda Jacobsen at or 509-312-9825

Volunteer Staff 

Volunteers are recruited, carefully screened, and attend special training specific to this camp. Ensuring the safety and health of the campers is our top priority.  To apply to be a  volunteer go to  The volunteer deadline is April 30, 2021. The medical Staff deadline is July 1, 2021. Questions?  Contact Belinda Jacobsen at or 509-312-9825.

Donation Opportunities

To make a donation to help a child who has experienced cancer go to camp, please visit our donation page and select “Donate to Camp Journey.” You can also help Camp Journey earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card.  You still earn your Reward points and Fred Meyer donates toward the non profit that you have linked to your rewards card.  For more details view our Fred Meyer Fund Raiser flyer.

How Can You Help?

Fund a Camper

$1320 pays for a full week at Camp Journey for a child affected by childhood cancer.  Spread out the love…  Pay the full $1320 all at once or opt for 12 monthly payments of just $110.  Make it a group effort…  Talk to your office, sororities, book clubs, church groups, extended family, teachers, community organizations, and circle of friends about making a difference in a child’s life.